Community Partners

Career Expos

Wolverine Pathways partners with organizations to facilitate in-person and virtual career days where students are introduced to career options they may not have previously considered, connect with industry professionals, and develop a career-focused approach to their high school and collegiate opportunities. In just one hour, a handful of professionals can change the trajectory of countless WP students.   

Informational Interviews

Wolverine Pathways scholars participate in a range of facilitated group informational interviews that inform their college choices and broaden their career visions. In these interactive sessions, guest presenters share on their journeys to and through their professions, and offer students resources for exploring the field as a middle or high school student. 

Professional Development Conference

Our Annual Professional Development Conference is designed to teach rising 11th grade scholars proven strategies for securing and maximizing an internship experience in order to prepare them for career success. During this two-day experience, WP community and campus partners facilitate interactive workshops that help scholars prepare for the professional world. Previous topics include: Pitching Yourself, Managing Your Online Presence, and Establishing Your Personal Board of Directors. The conference has run successfully in person and online. 

Wolverine Pathways Summer Internship (High School)

Wolverine Pathways rising seniors gain first-hand experience in their prospective career fields by participating in paid, two to five-week career internships with corporations in Southeast Michigan and across the United States. These internships occur virtually or in person, as determined by public health constraints and employer preference. This opportunity is ideal for an organization looking to diversify their talent pool and mentor future professionals. 

Wolverine Pathways Summer Internships (College)

Businesses hiring college interns partner with us to recruit diverse, highly motivated college students from our pool of WP alumni and student staff. Because of our strong record of preparing and graduating scores of well coached college scholars, WP is a critical partner for organizations interested in creating a more diverse workforce.